National road champs
21 June 2024

Raúl García Pierna and Nicolas Milesi win TT medals at the Spanish and Italian championships

Nicolas Milesi and Raúl García Pierna took part in the time trial of their respective championships this week. The former won silver in Italy in the U23 category, the latter bronze in Spain in the professional category.

Photo : Real Federación Española de Ciclismo

Raúl García Pierna

“I gave everything I had in this time trial. The podium is decided by a handful of seconds. On the start ramp, when I set off, I was obviously going for victory. The ARKEA-B&B HOTELS team supported me on the spot by putting staff at my disposal, and I also wanted to do that for them. It’s still a great national podium and I’m already looking ahead to Sunday’s road race.”

Jimmy Turgis, coach

“There are no regrets today. Raúl set a very good time. His trajectories, pace and speed were all clean. The course suited him well. At the halfway point, he was second fastest. The others finished strongly. I’m very happy with his performance. He came up against a stronger rider today. I’m sure he’ll be going for this jersey again in the years to come.”

Maxime Bouet, sports director

“We’re delighted with Nicolas Milesi’s performance. The ARKEA-B&B HOTELS team had put in the effort to support him and put him in the right frame of mind. Last year, he already finished second. This year, the gap between him and the leader has narrowed. It comes down to around twenty seconds over 25 kilometres. Nicolas did a good second half of the stage. Perhaps he could have done better in the first sector. In the end, it’s a fine podium finish for our Development team. Nicolas has been runner-up in Italy for two years running. Let’s hope that in 2025, he finally climbs to the top step as a reward for all his hard work.”


Raúl García Pierna
Nicolas Milesi